Discipleship: A Healthy Church
How does a healthy thriving church looks like? Mentoring and Discipleship is critical to a thriving church. Brother Carl shares with us more as we continue to unpack the Acts Church!
Discipleship & Church Life
When we read about the Church in the Book of Acts, what thoughts come into our minds? Is the Acts Church a realistic model for us to aspire to? This week, Rev Darren encourages us from the word about what a healthy Church should look like, and the areas we need to be devoted to in terms of our devotion to the Word, and Fellowship.
Discipleship & The Holy Spirit
On this journey of discipleship, there are times we might feel weighed down by the expectations of being a disciple. But take heart! We don’t journey as a disciple alone but with the Holy Spirit by our side. Brother Joseph shares with us five elements of being a disciple who walks by the spirit.
Discipleship & The Great Commission
As Disciples of Christ, we are called to go into the world and bring the Good News to all. It is an important responsibility, yet unfortunately, many of us might not be embracing it. Sister Linnette shares an encouraging message to spur us to live out lives as bearers of the Good News!
Discipleship & Good News
Any form of good news is meant to be shared. As disciples of Jesus, we must be excellent at sharing the Good News. This Easter Sunday, Rev Darren encourages us to be bold at sharing the Gospel!
Discipleship & The Cross
The suffering that Jesus went through on the cross, is so that me and you, can have life eternal. He died, so that we may have life! This Good Friday, Rev Darren leads us into a time of reflection.