Discipling Others: Godliness To The End
This week, Rev Darren shares with us the keys to being Godly to the end - knowing scripture & preaching the word
Discipling Others: Guard Yourself
This week, Rev Darren shares with us on the importance of guarding ourselves.
Discipling Others: Leadership
This week, Brother Joel shares with us on the topic of leadership.
Discipling Others: Submissive Women
This week, Pastor Mabel shares with us on the topic of submission.
Discipling Others: Praying Men and Women
Despite us knowing that prayer is important, it somehow seems to still be lacking in our lives. Prayer is only taken as a last resort. Rev Darren shares with us how we can turn this around, and why prayer is so important.
Discipling Others: Teach, Proclaim, Defend
This week, Rev Darren equips us with the importance of knowing how to teach, proclaim, and defend the Gospel.