Discipleship & Temptation
Overcoming temptation is key to becoming to a true disciple. Beyond simply not doing what’s wrong, Brother Joseph challenges us to stay in alignment with God’s plan by overcoming the temptations of doing what we want to do, going where we want to go, and seeing what we want to see.
Discipleship & Prayer
As Christians, prayer is our access to God. However, have you found yourself in a place where you prayed, but nothing happens? Do you sometimes find yourself confronting doubts about the power of prayer? This week, brother Joel shares with us about how prayer is our direct access to God, and how it is about ultimately drawing closer to God!
Discipleship & Faith
When the storms of life come, how can we not be shaken? Our faith in God is what will ultimately guide us through these difficult waters! This week, Pastor Mabel shares with us the need for building strong faith in God, and how we can do so.
Discipleship & Holiness
We live in a society today where world views are on a rise, and we can get influenced easily. Though world views are popular, we must not be swayed by them. It is therefore important for us to know how to stand firmly rooted in our faith. The key, is holiness. This week, Rev Darren teaches us why we need to develop holiness in our lives to guide us.
Discipleship & Trust
Have you been left alone by friends before? Have you been disappointed by people around you? Man may fail, but we have a friend in whom we can place our trust in. That friend, is Jesus. This week, Rev Darren walks us through why we should place our trust in Jesus!
Discipleship & Victory
Have you ever gone through a whole day and feel like you are fighting a losing battle? Fear not! In Him, we have the victory! Brother Joseph shares with us 3 steps that we can take to see the victory of Jesus in our everyday life!