God's Great Compassion
This week, Pastor Jeremy shares with us about the compassion that God has on us. How do we extend this compassion that we have received, towards others who have not yet heard the Gospel? Pastor Jeremy shares with us today. Click the link to listen now!
Turning To God In Repentance
This week, we celebrate the Confirmation of some of our brothers and sisters. Bishop Moses Tay brings to us a Word on turning to God in repentance. Click the link to listen now!
It Begins Now!
Jonah did not respond to the call when God spoke to him the very first time. The grace and mercy of God, gave Jonah a second chance. What if, Jonah had responded at the very first instance? In our own lives, do we always want to depend on second chances? Things could be very different if we obeyed immediately.
This week, Joel shares with us about how things could be different if we know the advantage that we have in Christ Jesus. He illustrates that using the story of David and Goliath.
Cycle Of Sin And Compassion
Is the book of Jonah about obedience, grace, or God's amazing level of compassion? This week, Sister Yee Peng shares with us about this cycle of pattern that can be observed form the account in Jonah.
Living With A Kingdom Mindset
What is your Kingdom identity? What is your role to play in the Kingdom? Pastor Lewis brings us on a journey to understanding what it means to live life with a Kingdom Mindset, one that seeks to impact the world for Jesus!
Introduction To Jonah
Ever wondered whether the events in Jonah actually happened? Could a man survive being in a big fish for 3 days? Or was it a whale? Over the next 6 weeks, we will explore the Book of Jonah together. To many, the book of Jonah is a book of obedience. Yet, Pastor Jeremy suggest to us that there is a message hidden within this book; the theme of God's compassion. Listen now to find out more!