From I Can't To I Can!
Beginning our new sermon series on the Book of Joshua, Rev Darren delivers an inspirational message drawing on lessons learnt from Joshua 1:1-9 to become a people who say "I can!” to the mission God intends.
Standing Firm on the God of Generations
As we celebrate Youth Day, Ps Joseph shares with us from Psalm 145 some thoughts on how this Psalm of David can help to shape us to be a united church across generations.
The Promise of God's Presence
At our Annual Family Service, our special guest speaker Mr David Leong shared with us on the promise of God’s presence and this promise should propel us onto mission!
No Compromise
We continue our sermon series with the final sermon leading up to Church Camp 2023, understanding the importance of standing firm in our faith without compromising on our beliefs.
Baptism Service: Returning to First Love
As we hold the first baptism of the year, we learn and are brought back to the importance of the first love each and every Christian shares with God. Let us continue to seek and hold true to the love we have for the Lord!