Patience: Do Good To One Another
Continuing our Sermon Series to live a life worthy of the gospel, we look at Galatians 6:6-10 as Ps Mabel exhorts us to do good to each other, to love each other through our actions.
Gentleness: Bear With One Another
Continuing our series to challenge us to live a worthy life, we look into Galatians 6: 1-5 to find out the importance of gentleness in our attitude towards one another as a community. Let us grow to value each other as Christ sees us!
Gentleness: Witness To One Another
Continuing our series to challenge us to live a worthy life, we look into 1 Peter 3: 13-17 to find out the importance of leading a life according to Christ and how we can bear witness with gentleness as a community. Let us grow to value each other as Christ sees us!
Gentleness: Care For One Another
Continuing our series to challenge us to live a worthy life, we look into Matthew 25: 35-36 to find out the importance of Hope through mutual support in a community. Let us grow to value each other as Christ sees us!
Gentleness: Welcome One Another
Continuing our series to challenge us to live a worthy life, we look into Acts 9: 1-9 to find out the importance of a welcoming heart in our journey with Christ. Let us grow to value each other as Christ sees us!
Humility: Value One Another
Continuing our series to challenge us to live a worthy life, we look into James 2:1-12 to find out why the sin of partiality is so incompatible with the gospel. Let us grow to value each other as Christ sees us!