Consequences of Lying
"It's a basic truth of human condition that everybody lies" - even the man after God's own heart was no exception and suffered the consequences of lying (1 Samuel 19, 21 & 22).
Dealing with Envy and Jealousy
'The Heart of the Matter is A Matter of the Heart' - Lessons from the H.E.A.R.T. as Ps Mabel takes us through the toxic relationship between David and Saul that is riddled with envy and jealousy (1 Samuel 18:6-16).
Bromance: You've Got a Friend
Bromance: A modern definition of a close but non-sexual relationship between two men. Join Ps Joseph Soh as he crystalizes a unique biblical bromance through the lives of David and Jonathan in 1 Samuel 20.
Three Leaders: A Fearless Leader, A Fearful Leader, A God-Fearing Leader
Drawing spiritual leadership lessons through the Life of David, Revd Darren explains three types of leadership and defining a shepherd leader after God’s desire.
God Chooses A Shepherd Boy
Beginning our 2022 Sermon Series looking into the Life of David, Revd Darren helps us to draw lessons from the incident when the Prophet Samuel anointed David as Israel’s king.