May I Be Excused?
We all know evangelism is part of our responsibility as a Christian. But we seem to be able to find reasons not to do so. Carl shares with us a very honest and straightforward observation of some of these excuses that we commonly use. Let's change all of that this week. Listen to the sermon, and take the 7 Days Evangelism Challenge! We'll get there together!
Why Witness?
Do I have to evangelise? Why should I tell someone else about my faith? The truth is, as Christians, this is our basic responsibility. Jesus commissioned us to do so! So the question is, where is your friend? Bring them next week!
The Last 7 Words of Jesus
Good Friday is a crucial time for us to pause and reflect on the lives we have led thus far, and consider the lives that we are called to live. There are 7 podcasts to listen for the entire Good Friday series.
The Road To Jerusalem
Palm Sunday has become synonymous with palm leaves and Jesus riding into Jerusalem on a donkey. But surely Palm Sunday has a deeper meaning than what we are led to believe all these years. Linnette shares with us that it is all about Jesus's triumphant entry, about Him stepping into His destiny that will lead to the salvation of all humanity.
The Spirit Of Excellence
God desires for us to live life to the fullest, and we ought to give nothing but our very best efforts in all that we do. In the story of Daniel, we see that Daniel was set apart from everyone else, because he had an excellent spirit within him. Revd Darren takes us on a journey to discovering how we can develop this excellent spirit within us, so as to enable our lives to bring glory to Him!
The Harvest Calls For A Fast
In the second of the two part series on spiritual disciplines, brother Joseph encourages us that before we look to the harvest, we need to prepare our hearts for it through fasting. The harvest calls for a fast. The question is, will you fast for the harvest?