Induction Service 2018
We celebrate with Vicar Ivan Ee on his recent induction as the new Vicar of All Saints' Church! Bishop Rennis Ponniah brings to us a heart-warming and encouraging message about unity. Click the link to listen now!
Spiritual Disciplines
Jesus had to use every available opportunity to teach His disciples about prayer. That clearly shows us how important prayer is, and how necessary it is to make prayer an everyday part of life. It is definitely one of the spiritual disciplines that we ought to develop in our walk with Jesus!
Are You A Cat Or Dog-Like Christian?
According to Chinese customs and beliefs, this is the year of the dog. This week, Rev Darren Choo brings to us an interesting sermon message that provokes us into a time of reflection with regards to the state of our spiritual life. You don't want to miss this!
The Power Of Fasting
What is fasting? As we prepare for the season of Lent, brother Carl shares with us what the Bible says about Fasting, and why we should pray and fast.
Persevering For The Gospel
What keeps us going despite the ups and downs in life? This week, Revd Jeremy Ponniah shares with us how each and everyone of us need to feel a burden for the Gospel, and for salvation for many.
When Worship Comes Alive
Worship may begin within the 4 walls of the church, but is really lived out in our lives beyond the walls here. Are the current states of our lives an expression of worship to God? How do we bring glory to His name? Mr Joseph Soh shares with us how we ought to use our lives as a witness for Christ.